DOPE Partners Just Do It

Be A Doer

March 03, 20245 min read

Welcome to the world of doers, where excuses hold no power and action reigns supreme.

- Andy Silvas

DOPE Partners Tip of the day

Be A Doer Mentality.

Being a doer isn't just a mindset; it's a way of life its a relentless pursuit of excellence in the face of adversity, doubt, and fear. It's about waking up every damn morning with an unwavering determination to conquer your goals, even when every fiber of your being screams for you to stay in bed. It's about embracing discomfort and uncertainty, knowing that growth lies on the other side of fear. Refusing to settle for mediocrity, a doer relentlessly pushes forward, fueled by the burning desire to turn dreams into reality.

But being a doer isn't a solitary journey. It's intrinsically tied to the power of environment—the people, places, and circumstances that shape our lives. As the saying goes, "You are the average of the top five people you spend the most time with." So, take a hard look at your surroundings, are they propelling you toward greatness, or are they holding you back? Surround yourself with individuals who inspire, challenge, and uplift you. Cultivate a supportive environment that fosters growth, accountability, and success. Because when you surround yourself with the right people, you elevate not only yourself but everyone around you.

DOPE Partners Your Future is Calling

In the relentless pursuit of greatness, being a doer isn't just a choice—it's a commitment to excellence, a dedication to continuous growth, and a refusal to settle for anything less than extraordinary. So, embrace the challenge, seize the opportunity, and let your actions speak louder than words. It's time to step into the arena of life as a true doer and claim the success and fulfillment you deserve.

The Power of Environment

What I stated before bears repeating, "you are the average of the top five people you spend the most time with." So, again, take a look around – are the people in your circle pushing you to be better, or are they dragging you down? Surround yourself with people that emit positive energy and have discipline locked in like a science, and watch as their energy and drive propel you to new heights.

"Before you can be good, you've got to be bad"

- ART Williams

Doing the Hard Things

Success walks around with its hands in its pockets. Why, because it doesn't want to share it with those that are unworthy and unappreciative. However its like your guardian angel, always watching and waiting for the right place and time. It always comes to those who are willing to do the hard things. Whether it's facing your fears, taking risks, or putting in the extra hours, being a doer means embracing discomfort and pushing through it anyway.

Just Do It!

In the immortal words of Art Williams, "Just do it." No more excuses, no more procrastination – just fucking do it. Want to achieve your dreams? Just do it. Want to overcome obstacles? Just do it. Want to live a life of purpose and fulfillment? Just FUCKING do it.

In conclusion, being a doer isn't just about talking the talk; it's about walking the walk. It's about embracing challenges head-on, doing the hard things, and taking ownership of your life. Remember, you're alone if you chose to be

"Let's Be Real"

- Kristopher Cravens

What Do We Mean by That?

I'm glad you asked because we have been working our asses off. Staying up late with bags under our eyes for the past 2, almost 3 years. Gone through over 150 cases of red bull, nicotine and more string cheese then i can count. Taking every course we can, ranging from business mastery, communications, self help, blockchain technology, dual citizenships, and investments. You name it, we took it. Hell we even took courses on how to be a better best friend.

I'm sure you are wondering why we are telling you this? Not brag but we have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on personal and professional development and we have found that a lot of this shit has things in common with one another and with our friends and family always asking what have we done to improve our situation. We have decided to develop a program, but let me make this clear it takes two to tango. You got to do the damn work to see success. This isn't just a program to us, it is literally the the key to all the things we said we wanted for our selves, and trust me when I say its nothing shy of extraordinary

This Sh*t is Free

Now, I'm not sure if you're the type of person that understands how investments work. If you are, you understand that when you put money in, over time, depending on the economy, you either win or lose. So, whether it's a 401k, Roth IRA, hell, even CD's and money mutual accounts. Personal development is like investing in stocks. I'm sure a lot of you haven't even looked at your retirement funds in a couple months even a couple of years. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't, I don't know. But for those of you that have, I'm sure that you have found out that you had actually lost money.

Probably started 2020. Anyways, I don't want to get off track the whole point of this is, how personal development is like investing. think of yourself like a stock You buy yourself @ 2cents, making you your own personal stock with your name on it and to be able to turn a profit you must do the fucking thing people choose not to do.

What is the Thing?

At this point its pretty fuckin obvious but for those of you that are still delirious let me break this down for you. You must do the things you want and don't want to do, now the keyword there is don't! So what the fuck are you waiting for? Click the link below to join DOPE+ Today and gain access to exclusive content libraries, top-notch podcasts, and a supportive community of individuals committed to growth and transformation. Whether you're a seasoned professional or someone starting fresh, our program offers resources and guidance tailored to your needs. So, if you're serious about becoming the person you aspire to be, don't wait any longer. Sign up for DOPE+ today and take the first step towards unlocking your true potential. The time for change is now. Tap in below and let's fuckin gooooooo!

Be-a-DoerTake ActionProactive MindsetAchieve Goals
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Kristopher Cravens

Kristopher Cravens, the visionary force behind DOPE Partners, is not just a leader; he's a trailblazer redefining success and transforming lives. With an unparalleled commitment to empowering individuals, Kristopher embodies the spirit of disciplined obedience, prioritization, and empathy—the very pillars that define the DOPE Empire. A passionate advocate for financial literacy and empowerment, he is dedicated to guiding others towards achieving their full potential.

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"DOPE" is more than just a word for me, it's a mindset. It's about being able to find the good in any situation and learning from it. It's also about being able to change your perspective from the negative to the positive, so you can experience the good.

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